[Math] Use the method of characteristics to solve nonlinear first order pde.

partial differential equations

I find this problem challenging:

Use the method of characteristics to solve $u_t+u_x^2=t$ with $u(x,0)=0$.

I know I'm supposed to let $p=u_x$ and $q=u_t$. Then I get $F(x,t,u,p,q)=p^2+q-t=0$. But what to do from there eludes me.

Any help/hints to the solution process would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer



Let $v=u_x$ ,

Then $v_t+2vv_x=0$ with $v(x,0)=0$

Follow the method in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_of_characteristics#Example:

$\dfrac{dt}{ds}=1$ , letting $t(0)=0$ , we have $t=s$

$\dfrac{dv}{ds}=0$ , letting $v(0)=v_0$ , we have $v=v_0$

$\dfrac{dx}{ds}=2v=2v_0$ , letting $x(0)=f(v_0)$ , we have $x=2v_0s+f(v_0)=2vt+f(v)$ , i.e. $v=F(x-2vt)$

$v(x,0)=0$ :


$\therefore v=0$




$\therefore g_t(t)=t$


$\therefore u(x,t)=\dfrac{t^2}{2}+C$

$u(x,0)=0$ :


$\therefore u(x,t)=\dfrac{t^2}{2}$