[Math] Use following Theorem to show that every tree has at most one perfect matching.

graph theory

Use following Theorem to show that every tree has at most one perfect matching.

Theorem: Let $M_1$ and $M_2$ be matching in graph $G$. Then each component of the spanning subgraph $H$ of $G$, with $E(H)=(M_1 -M_2) \cup (M_2 -M_1)$, is one of following type

i) an Isolated vertex

ii) An even cycle whose edges are alternately in $M_1$ and in $M_2$

iii) a nontrivial path who edges are alternately in $M_1$ and in $M_2$ and such that each end vertex of the path is either $M_1$- unmatched or $M_2$-unmatched but not both

It look like I need to prove this by contradiction. So assume that a tree $T$ has two perfect matching, namely $M_1$ and $M_2$. I will some how show that this will contradict to the above theorem.

So let $H$ be a spanning subgraph with $E(H)=(M_1 -M_2) \cup (M_2 -M_1)$, this shows that $H$ contain at least one edges, thus $H$ can't be an isolated vertex, hence i) is false in this case

Second, $T$ is a tree, so $H$ can't be a cycle, thus ii) is also false

I'm trying to finad a way to argue that iii) must also false, but I haven't got any luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

It’s true that the subgraph $H$ has at least one edge, but that does not by itself imply that it has no isolated vertex. In the graph shown below we have the perfect matchings $M_1=\{14,25,36\}$ and $M_2=\{14,26,35\}$, which generate the subgraph graph $H$ with the same six vertices whose edge set is $\{25,26,35,36\}$; this $H$ has two isolated vertices, $1$ and $2$.

enter image description here

(In fact this $H$ has two instances of alternative (i) and one of alternative (ii).) Thus, you still need to rule out (i) as well as (iii) for a tree $T$.

Suppose that $H$ has an isolated vertex $v$. Then every edge of $T$ incident at $v$ must belong to both matchings or to neither matching. There must be an edge of $M_1$ incident at $v$; call it $vw$. Then $vw$ must also be in $M_2$, and no other edge of $M_1$ or $M_2$ can be incident at $v$, or for that matter at $w$.

Now remove from $T$ the vertices $v$ and $w$ and all edges incident to either of them. What’s left will be a forest $F$, and each tree in that forest will have fewer vertices than $T$. Moreover, $M_1\setminus\{vw\}$ and $M_2\setminus\{vw\}$ are distinct perfect matchings of $F$, so they must differ on at least one of the trees of $F$. This suggests that we should try a proof by induction on the number of vertices: if we already had the result for trees with fewer vertices than $T$, we’d have a contradiction at this point, showing that $H$ cannot have an isolated vertex.

Now try to take the same approach to (iii); suppose that $H$ has such a path, and consider what happens if you remove from $T$ that path and all edges of $T$ incident at its endpoints.