[Math] Use first derivative test to find local minima and local maxima


Use the First Derivative Test to find the points of local maxima and minima of the function

To begin we have $f'(x)=6x^2-4x^3$

Then we can set $f'(x)=6x^2-4x^3=0$ and factor it as $2x^2(3-2x)=0$

The we get $\frac{3}{2}$ as a critical point and maxima. Is $x=0$ also a critical point?

Sorry if this is an easy question I just keep having problems with this in class.

Now I have this chart but it is saying I am wrong

Function $2x^3−x^4$



                  $(−∞,1.5)---- 1.5---(1.5,∞)

Signs of $f(x)$ >>>>>>>>> + >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Increase/decrease of $f(x)$ increasing >>local max>>decreasing

Best Answer

First Derivative Test:

Find all points where $f'(x)=0$ or is undefined, these are called critical points. Any of these could be an extrema. However that's not the only option. The point could also be an "inflection point".

An inflection point $(a, f(a))$, is a point where the derivative $f'(a)=0$, but where $f'(a-\delta)$ and $f'(a+\delta)$, where $\delta$ is a very small number, have the same sign (both $f'(a-\delta)$ & $f'(a+\delta)$ are positive, or both are negative). An inflection point, is neither a maximum or a minimum.

NOTE: This is not the technical definition of an inflection point, but it does provide a method that will work for any continuous function $f: D \subset \Bbb R \to \Bbb R$, assuming the $\delta$ you choose is "small enough".

Second Derivative Test:

Plug in the values you found for $f'(x)=0$ into the second derivative $f''(x)$. If: $\begin{cases} f''(x)\gt 0 & \text{Then f(x) is a relative minimum} \\ f''(x)\lt 0 & \text{Then f(x) is a relative maximum} \\f''(x)=0 & \text{Then the test is inconclusive} \end{cases}$

So for your example:
$f'(x)=6x^2-4x^3=0$ when $x=0$ or $x=\frac 32$. And $f'(x)$ is a polynomial so it is defined over the entire domain of $f$.

That means that your potential relative maxima and minima are at $(0,f(0))$ and $(\frac 32, f(\frac 32))$.

Let's use the second derivative test:
$f''(x)=12x-12x^2=12x(1-x)=0$ when $x=0$ or $x=1$ and is again defined everywhere. So let's figure out where it's positive and negative by choosing three points $c_1, c_2, c_3$ such that $c_1 \lt 0 \lt c_2 \lt 1 \lt c_3$. How about $c_1=-1$, $c_2=\frac 12$, and $c_3=2$ -- those seem like pretty easy numbers.

Plugging those into $f''(x)$, we get
$f''(-1)=-12-12=-24\lt 0$
$f''(\frac 12)=6-3=3 \gt 0$ and
$f''(2) = 24-48=-24 \lt 0$

So we've found that $f(x)$ is concave up on the interval $(0,1)$ and concave down on the set $(-\infty, 0)\cup(1,\infty)$.

So now let's evaluate the points $x=0$ and $x=\frac 32$ that we found via the first derivative test. We see that $\frac 32 \in (-\infty, 0)\cup(1,\infty)$, so we know that the point $(\frac 32, f(\frac 32))$ is a relative maximum.

On the other hand $x=0$ is inconclusive with the second derivative test. So let's check if it's an inflection point via the method I described above. Let's make our $\delta=\frac 14$ and evaluate $f'(-\frac 14)$ and $f'(\frac 14)$.

$f'(-\frac 14)=6(\frac {1}{16})-4(\frac{-1}{64})=\frac {7}{16} \gt 0$ and
$f'(\frac 14)=6(\frac {1}{16})-4(\frac{1}{64})=\frac {5}{16} \gt 0$

So $(0,f(0))$ is an inflection point of $f(x)$ and thus not an extrema.