[Math] Use calculus to derive area of circle using n triangles


This is a homework question I am struggling with…

Let $n$ be a positive integer, and cut the circle into $n$ equal sectors. In each sector there is an isosceles triangle formed where the edges of the sector intersect the circle. Prove the formula for the area of the circle is correct by taking the sum of the areas of the triangles without bound.

I've gotten as far as figuring out the central angle of each triangle is $\dfrac{2 \pi}{n}$. I'm having trouble with getting the area of the triangle into a form that I can take the integral of.

Best Answer

Let $r$ be the radius of the circle. The area of the triangle is $\frac12 (base \times height)$, if you split each of the triangles down the middle (to give a right angled triangle) then the height will be given by $$height = r \cos(\tfrac\pi n),$$ notice how we have halfed the angle as we split the triangle in 2. Similarly the base will be given by $$ base = 2 r \sin(\tfrac\pi n), $$ where we have remembered to multiply by two as the base of the right angled triangle is only half that of the isoceles.

Putting these quantities into the formula for the area of the isoceles triangle we get \begin{align*} A_{triangle} &= \frac 12 \times 2 r \sin(\tfrac\pi n) \times r \cos(\tfrac\pi n) \\ &= r^2 \sin(\tfrac\pi n)\cos(\tfrac\pi n) \end{align*}

Now there are n triangles so the total area of all the triangles would be given by $$ A_{total} = r^2 n\sin(\tfrac\pi n)\cos(\tfrac\pi n) , $$ which can be rewritten using the double angle formula as $$ A_{total} = r^2 n \frac 1 2 \sin(\tfrac{2\pi} {n}). $$ The area of the circle can then be found if we take the limit as $n\rightarrow\infty$. $$ A_{circ} = \lim \limits_{n \rightarrow \infty} r^2 n \frac 1 2 \sin(\tfrac{2\pi} {n}), $$ and using the fact that for very small $x$, $\sin(x) \approx x$ this can be seen to be \begin{align*} A_{circ} &= \lim \limits_{n \rightarrow \infty} r^2\frac{2\pi n} {2n} \\ &=\pi r^2, \end{align*} which is precisely what we want.