[Math] Upper bound for variance of an (arbitrary) zero-mean random variable $X$ given distance between it and a known random variable $Y$

inequalityinformation theoryprobability theory

I have a zero-mean Gaussian random variable $Y\sim\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2_X)$ with known variance $\sigma_X^2$. I also have a zero-mean random variable $X$, which may be dependent on $Y$ (though, I can tolerate independence assumption if it doesn't hurt the final bound too much). Besides having mean zero, I know two sets of facts about $X$:

  1. Its variance, while unknown, is greater than $\sigma_X^2$;
  2. One (or more, but one is sufficient) of the following facts hold about the distance between distributions of $X$ and $Y$:
    TV(Y,X)&=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\left|\frac{\exp(-x^{2}/2\sigma_X^2)}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma_X}-p_X(x)\right|dx\leq \epsilon_{TV}

$D(p_Y\|p_X)$, $H^2(Y,X)$, and $TV(Y,X)$ are Kullback-Leibler divergence, Hellinger distance, and Total variation distance, respectively. These three quantities are commonly used to characterise distance between distributions.

I am trying to find the maximum variance of $X$ such that the distribution for $X$ satisfies any of the above distance requirements. I don't really care about the distribution, just its second moment.

Does anyone have any ideas?

This is a related to a question I asked earlier, but here I've generalised it here quite a bit.

Best Answer

First, I think that dependence and independence are moot here. Your question is just about two probability distributions, and their joint distribution never enters.

I'm not sure you can bound the variance of $X$ at all. For instance, suppose $X$ is a mixture of distributions which with probability $1-\epsilon$ is $N(0, \sigma_X^2)$, and with probability $\epsilon$ is some distribution with some very large variance $a$. By choosing $\epsilon$ very small, you can at least make the total variation distance small, independent of $a$. Then you can choose $a$ very large so that $X$ has large variance. For the other distances it's not quite as clear what happens, but I invite you to try it.

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