[Math] upper bound for derivatives of analytic functions on upper half-plane


Let $f$ be analytic mapping of the upper half-plane into the unit disc. Given $f(i)=\alpha$, how does one rigorously obtain an upper bound for $|f'(i)|$?

Best Answer

There are Cauchy's estimates for derivatives of analytic functions: if $f$ is holomorphic in a neighourhood of the closed ball $\bar{B}(z_0)$, then, for every $z\in B(z_0)$ you have an estimate for the $k$-th derivative, $$ |f^{(k)}(z)| \le k!\frac{r}{d(z)^{k+1}}|f|_{\partial B}, \,\, d(z)= \mbox{dist}(z, \partial B(z_0))$$ You can apply this with $z_0=i$, any ball around $i$ of radius less than $1$ and the knowledge that $|f|\le 1$ (this is, in particuar, a bound for $f$ at the boundary of the ball).

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