[Math] Unstable linear inverse problem: which “dampening” Tikhonov matrix should I use

estimation-theoryinverse-problemsnumerical linear algebranumerical methods

A linear inverse problem is given by:

$\ \mathbf{d}=\mathbf{A}\mathbf{m}+\mathbf{e}$

where d: observed data, A: theory operator, m: unknown model and e: error.

The Least Square Error (LSE) model estimate is given by:

$\ \mathbf{\tilde{m}}=(\mathbf{A^\top A})^{-1}\mathbf{A^\top d}$

Typically the linear equation is ill-conditioned and as a consequence the model estimate tends to oscillate.

The LSE solution to the linear equation is equivalent to minimizing the following cost function:

$\ C=\|\mathbf{d-Am}\|^2$

In order to stabilize the solution we may introduce a "dampening" term:

$\ C=\|\mathbf{d-Am}\|^2 + \|\mathbf{\Gamma m}\|^2$

where $\ \Gamma$ is called the Tikhonov matrix.

The Tikhonov matrix should penalize unwanted aspect of a solution.

The stabilized LSE model estimate then becomes:

$\ \mathbf{\tilde{m}}=(\mathbf{A^\top A+\Gamma^\top \Gamma})^{-1}\mathbf{A^\top d}$

As an example problem say I have the model $\ m(x)=x^2, 0 \leq x \leq 1 $.

Instead of observing the model directly I am observing the derivative of the model + some noise (n):

$\ d(x)=\frac{dm}{dx}+e$

From measurements of d(x) I want to estimate m(x). Say I know that m(0)=0.

My linear inverse problem is now:

$\ \mathbf{d}=\mathbf{A}\mathbf{m}+\mathbf{e}, \mathbf{A=D_x}$

where $\ \mathbf{D_x}$ is the differential operator (matrix) for which I use central differences.

The LSE solution to this problem oscillates a lot:
enter image description here

Therefore I want to dampen it by using an appropriate Tikhonov matrix.

Which Tikhonov matrix should I use?

Best Answer

Try $\Gamma = \alpha \Delta$, where $\Delta$ is a discretized version of the Laplace operator (ie, a second difference operator), and $\alpha$ is a scalar regularization parameter. The action of the Laplacean is to amplify high frequency modes, so such regularization will smooth your solution.