[Math] Unresolved,why does negative exponent turns into a fraction


As we know that, according to multiplicative identity 2 to the power of 3 means,
1*2*2*2=8;but why 2 to the power -3 is equal to the 1/8,if i think it is the reverse of multiplicative identity then from where 1 is coming?
i don't want only mathematical proof,but also the intuitive story behind this?
Why it is turning into a fraction and also why it positive fraction?
Why minus is vanished?

Best Answer

Say $x > 0$ and $a \in \mathbb R$. For me the easiest intution is this: $$x^a x^{-a} = x^{a+(-a)} = x^0 = 1$$ but also $$\frac{x^a}{x^a} =1.$$ Setting the two equal, we see $$x^{a}x^{-a} = \frac{x^a}{x^a}$$ and then we can divide by $x^a$ on both sides to see $$x^{-a} = \frac 1 {x^a}.$$ Of course, arguements like this are essentially circular. It is more a definitional convention. Each posivite real number $x$ has a corresponding positive number which, when multiplied by $x$ gives the multiplicative identity: $1$. We denote this corresponding number by $x^{-1}$ to indicate that it inverts $x$. Then when we write $x^{-a}$ for some number $a$, by definition, we mean the inverse of $x$ raised to the $a$ power. That is $x^{-a} := (x^{-1})^a$.