[Math] Universal property, localization of rings and modules, and initial element in a category


Sorry for the confusing title. I just started learning category theory and am very confused about the concept "universal property". I am not even sure whether my "proof" is a proof or is just a restating of the original problem.

Here is a problem from Vakil's notes of Algebraic Geometry.

Exercise 1.3.D. Verify that $A\rightarrow S^{-1}A$ satisfies the following universal property: $S^{-1}A$ is initial among $A$-algebras $B$ where every element of $S$ is sent to an invertible element in $B$.

My attempt:
I searched and found this question on MSE: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1816224/localization-and-the-universal-property?rq=1.

So I constructed my "proof" based on that:

We consider a category $\mathscr{C}$ with objects as pairs of, e.g., $(S^{-1}A, A\xrightarrow{i_s} S^{-1}A), (B, A\xrightarrow{\pi_B} B), (C, A\xrightarrow{\pi_C} C)$. The objects are pairs whose first components are $A$-algebras, and second components are ring maps from $A$ to the corresponding $A$-algebras, in which elements from $S$ are sent to an invertible element. Notice that $S$ is in $A$. For any two objects $B, C$, the morphisms are ring maps between $B$ and $C$. We have the following diagram:

enter image description here

We see that any map $\pi: A\rightarrow B$ where every element of $S$ is sent to an invertible element must factor uniquely through $i_s: A\rightarrow S^{-1}A$.

My question:
Could anyone verify my "proof"? I am not sure how this universal property could be used.


According to @Hoot's suggestion, I will define $\phi$ and prove that it is unique. Define $\phi: S^{-1}A\rightarrow B$ by $\phi(a/s)=\pi(a)\pi(s)^{-1}$, for $s\in S, a\in A$.

We prove that $\phi$ is well-defined. Let $a_1/s_1=a_2/s_2$, i.e., $s(a_1s_2-a_2s_1)=0$ for some $s\in S$. This implies $\pi(a_1s_2-a_2s_1)=0$. We have $\phi(a_1/s_1)=\pi(a_1)\pi(s_1)^{-1}, \phi(a_2/s_2)=\pi(a_2)\pi(s_2)^{-1}$. Apparently they are equal. By some similar computations we can prove it is a ring homomorphism.

It remains to show that $\phi$ is unique. Let $\psi: S^{-1}A\rightarrow B$ be another ring homomorphism, such that $\pi=\psi\circ i_s$. Then $\pi(a)=\psi(a)$ for all $a\in A$. Since it is homomorphism, $\psi(a/s)=\psi(a)\psi(s)^{-1}=\pi(a)\pi(s)^{-1}$. This shows that $\psi=\phi$.

Another question:

In the notes the author says every map $A\rightarrow B$ that sends elements in $S$ to an invertible element factors uniquely through $A\rightarrow S^{-1}A$. I'm still confused about this sentence. Shouldn't we say it factors uniquely through $S^{-1}A\rightarrow B$, since that is the unique universal map?

Thank you for your help!

Best Answer


Following page 32 of Vakil's notes,let S be a multiplicative subring of a ring A; i.e., $1 ∈ S ∧ x,y ∈ S ⇒ x · y ∈ S$. Then we consider “formal fractions”,

S⁻¹A ≔ { a / s ∣ a ∈ A , s ∈ S }

The property we're interested in is

𝒫 : A-algebra → Bool
𝒫 f ≔ for every e in S, f e ∈ B is invertible 

Want to show: S⁻¹A is initial among A-algebras B where every element of S is sent to an invertible element in B

So we're interested in the category whose objects are pairs (B, f) where B is a ring and f : A → B is a ring morphism satisfying 𝒫.

Note that $S⁻¹A$ is such an algebra due to the emebeding $i : a ↦ a / 1$ since we know $1 ∈ S$. Moreover we have that $𝒫 i$ holds since $(s / 1)⁻¹ = 1 / s$ in $S⁻¹A$ for $s \in S$ : it is clear that $1/1$ is the unit of multiplication and so we need to show $(s / 1) · (1 / s) = 1 / 1$. Indeed,

   (s / 1) · (1 / s) = 1 / 1
≡{ multiplication in S⁻¹A }
   s · 1 / 1 · s = 1 / 1
≡{ ring arithmetic }
   s / s = 1 / 1
≡{ equality in S⁻¹A }
   ∃ s' : S • s' · (1 · s - s · 1) = 0
≡{ ring arithmetic }
   ∃ s' : S • s' · 0 = 0
≡{ ring arithmetic }

Now the natural definition of an arrow between two such objects is a ring morphism of the underlying rings that makes the obvious diagram commute: f : (B, g) ⟶ (C, h) iff f : B → C is a ring map with f ∘ g = h.

  A --g--->B
  |       /
  |      /
  h     / f
  |    /
  |   /
  v  /

Defining the needed morphism

Given an A-algebra $f : A → B$ satisfying $𝒫$, let us show that there is an arrow $(S⁻¹A, i) ⟶ (B, f)$.

Given an element $a / s : S⁻¹A$, we know that $f \ s$ is invertible by assumption $𝒫 \ f$ and so we can form the expression $f a · (f s)⁻¹ : B$. Let $⟨ f ⟩$ be the name of this operation; i.e., $⟨ f ⟩ : S⁻¹A → B$ with $⟨ f ⟩ (a / s) = f a · (f s)⁻¹$. Since / is just formal notation for pairs, in this context, that gets reified into an actual division by ⟨_⟩, let us write ÷ for a legitimate division in a ring: $x ÷ y = x · y ⁻¹$. Then, $⟨ f ⟩ (a / s) = f a ÷ f s$. Notice that we do not know if $s⁻¹$ exists and so cannot use ring morphism properties to rewrite this last expression as $f (a / s)$.

Anyhow, for ⟨ f ⟩ to be an arrow in our category we must show that is

  • satisfies 𝒫
  • is a ring morphism
  • satisfies the triangle diagram
  • and is unique, so that we have intiality.

Satisfies 𝒫

Let $a, s$ be arbitrary, then

⟨ f ⟩ (a / s) ⁻¹ = ⟨ f ⟩ (s / a)


   ⟨ f ⟩ (a / s) · ⟨ f ⟩ (s / a)
={ definition of angels }
  (f a ÷ f s) · (f s ÷ f a)
={ division notation }
  f a · (f s)⁻¹ · f s · (f a)⁻¹
={ ring arithmetic }
  f a · 1 · (f a)⁻¹
={ ring arithmetic }

Ring morphism

For example, for additivity:

  ⟨ f ⟩ (a/s + b/t)
={ definition of + in S⁻¹A }
  ⟨ f ⟩ ( (t · a + s · b)/(s · t) )
={ definition of angels }
  f (t · a + s · b) ÷ f (s · t)
={ f is a ring morphism }
  (f t · f a + f s · f b) ÷ (f s · f t)
={ ring arithmetic }
  (f t · f a) ÷ (f s · f t)
  + (f s · f b) ÷ (f s · f t)
={ ring arithmetic:

     (f t · f a) ÷ (f s · f t)
   ={ definition of ÷ }
     f t · f a · (f s · f t)⁻¹
   ={ ring arithmetic }
     f t · f a · f t ⁻¹ · f s ⁻¹
   ={ f ring homomorphism }
     f (t · a) · f t ⁻¹ · f s ⁻¹
   ={ definition }
     ⟨ f ⟩  ( t · a / t) · f s ⁻¹
   ={ lemma; see below; and ring arithmetic using f ring morphism }
     f a · f s ⁻¹
   ={ notation }
     f a ÷ f s

     t · a / t = a / 1
   ≡{ equality in S⁻¹A }
     ∃ s : S • s · (1 · t · a - t · a) = 0
   ≡{ ring arithemtic }
     ∃ s : S • s · 0 = 0
   ≡{ ring arithmetic }

   Similarly for the right argument to +.

   Anyhow, back to the main calculation.
  f a ÷ f s + f b ÷ f t
={ definition }
  ⟨ f ⟩ (a / s) + ⟨ f ⟩ (b / t)

I will not check the other properties ─I'm not as vested in this problem as you!


It is also an arrow in the category; indeed: for arbitrary a,

   ⟨ f ⟩  (i a)
={ definition of i }
   ⟨ f ⟩ (a / 1)   
={ definition of ⟨⟩ }
   f a ÷ f 1
={ f ring morphism }
   f a ÷ 1
={ ring arithmetic }   
   f a

Whence $⟨ f ⟩ ∘ i = f$


It remains to show that $⟨ f ⟩$ is unique with these properties.

That is, given any ring morphism $G : S⁻¹A → B$ with $G ∘ i = f$, let us show that it equals $⟨ f ⟩$.

  ⟨ f ⟩ (a / s)
={ definition }  
   f a ÷ f s
={ assumption G ∘ i = f }
   G (i a) ÷ G (i s)
={ definition of i}
   G (a / 1) ÷ G (s / 1)
={ notation }
   G (a / 1) · G (s / 1) ⁻¹
={ G ring morphism }
   G ( (a / 1) · (s / 1)⁻¹ )
={ first lemma about inverses of formal fractions }
 G ( (a / 1) · (1 / s) )
={ multiplication in S⁻¹A }
  G (a · 1 / 1 · s)
={ ring arithmetic }
  G (a / s)

Hence, by extensionality, G = ⟨ f ⟩ sweetums :-)


At the end of the problem statement they give rephrasings of the desideratum, which we'll restate for fun.

Using the above formalisation and usual category theory definition of initiality, we have

  S⁻¹A is initial among A-algebras sending every element of S to an invertible element
  ∀ B ring, f : A → B ring-map satisfying 𝒫 • ∃₁ f' : S⁻¹A → B • f' ∘ i = f ∧ 𝒫 f'

But by construction this f' is obtained by the angle brackets; we're doing a process known as skolemisation. So this equivales

∀ B ring, ring maps f : A → B and g : S⁻¹A → B •
  g = ⟨ f ⟩ ≡ 𝒫 f ∧ g ∘ i = f

This' loosey-goosey true since: for ⇒ to hold we need ⟨ f ⟩ to be defined which means we need 𝒫 f to hold and we need to know that g is an arrow in the category which means g ∘ i = f; conversely, we know that g ∘ i = f has the unique solution ⟨ f ⟩ which is defined since we have 𝒫 f. A formal proof is not difficult either:

 𝒫 f ∧ g ∘ i = f
⇒{ “Defining the needed morphism” and “uniqueness” } 
  g = ⟨ f ⟩
⇒{ composition and “arrow” }
  g ∘ i = f
≡{ logic }
  g ∘ i = f ∧ g ∘ i = f
    claim: g ∘ i = f ⇒ 𝒫 f
    Proof: let s : S be arbitrary, then
      we show (f s)⁻¹ = g (1 / s).

        f s · g (1 / s)
      ={ assumption and definition of i }
        g (s / 1) · g (1 / s)
      ={ g ring morphism }
        g ( s/1 · 1/s )
      ={ very first calculation in “setup” }
        g (1 / 1)
      ={ g ring morphism }
  𝒫 f ∧ g ∘ i = f


∀ B ring, ring maps f : A → B and g : S⁻¹A → B •
  g = ⟨ f ⟩ ≡ 𝒫 f ∧ g ∘ i = f

Read ⇒: a ring map S⁻¹A → B is the “same thing as” (ie corresponds to) a ring map A → B satisfying 𝒫

Read ⇐: any ring map A → B sending elements of S to invertible elements factors through i : A → S⁻¹A and does so uniquely.

Intiality really just says that $i$ is the best map satisfying 𝒫 and any other such map must be “further away” (in that it factors through $i$).

Hope this helps! :-)

PS. Notice that since $g ∘ i = f ⇒ 𝒫 f$, we could simplify the equivalence to just $g = ⟨ f ⟩ ≡ g ∘ i = f$, but then those English renditions are no longer immediate.

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