Gaussian Integers – Units of Gaussian Integers


How can we show that $\pm 1, \pm i$ are the only units in the ring of Gaussian integers, $\mathbb Z[i]$?

Thank you.

Best Answer

If $z,w\in\mathbb{Z}[i]$ are such that $zw=1$ (i.e. $z$ is a unit and $w$ its inverse), then $|z|^2|w|^2=|zw|^2=1$, or

$$(a^2+b^2)(c^2+d^2)=1, \quad z=a+bi,\; w=c+di.$$

Now $a,b,c,d$ are all integers, so $a^2+b^2$ and $c^2+d^2$ must both be nonnegative integers, which must both equal exactly $1$ and no greater in order to multiply to $1$ in the integers. And if $a^2+b^2=1$, we have $a^2$ and $b^2\le1$. Check by hand the only solutions here correspond to $(a,b)=(\pm1,0)$ or $(0,\pm1)$.

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