[Math] Unitary and Upper Triangular Matrix

linear algebra

I am trying to prove that a matrix that is both "unitary and upper triangular" must be a diagonal matrix.

I am thinking that the fact that columns of all unitary matrices form an orthonormal basis of F^n will ensure that all columns of this matrix are mutually orthogonal.

Also, the fact that the matrix is upper triangular will then give me the required result….but I am trying to derive a formal proof. Please suggest if my approach is OK.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Your approach is OK. As you said, the columns of $A$, denote them by $C^A_1,...,C^A_n$, form an orthonormal basis of $F^n$ w.r.t the standard inner product. Denote $C^A_j=(a_{1,j},...,a_{n,j})$.
Since $A$ is upper-triangular, $a_{k,1}=0$ for all $k>1$. Since $A$ is unitary, $a_{1,1}\neq0$. Now compute the inner-product $\langle C^A_1,C^A_j\rangle$ for all $j>1$: you get: $$0=\langle C^A_1,C^A_j\rangle=a_{1,1}\cdot a_{1,j}+0+...+0$$ Since $a_{1,1}\neq0$, we have $a_{1,j}=0$ for all $j>1$. (this shows that the first row is $(a_{1,1}\hspace{2pt}0\hspace{2pt}...\hspace{2pt}0)$)
Now use induction on columns.

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