[Math] Unit vectors that are orthogonal to vectors

calculuscross productorthogonalityvector analysisvectors

I have to find all the unit vectors that are orthogonal to the vectors $\overrightarrow{a}=(2, -4, 3), \overrightarrow{b}=(-4, 8, -6)$ .

I calculated that the cross product $\overrightarrow{a} \times \overrightarrow{b}=0$.

Does this mean that the vector $(0, 0, 0)$ is a unit vector that is perpendicular to $\overrightarrow{a}$ and $\overrightarrow{b}$ ??

Best Answer

$\vec{a}=(2, -4, 3), \vec{b}=(-4, 8, -6)$ are elements of $\Bbb R^3$. Notice that $\vec b = -2\vec a$, thus the two vectors are collinear. So the space of vectors that are orthogonal the both of these vectors will just be the space of vectors orthogonal to the line that passes through both of them. Can you see that this space will be a plane?

So you just need to specify a plane with a vector equation. The vector equation of a plane is $\vec r(s,t) = \vec us + \vec vt + \vec c$.

We just need to find any two non-collinear vectors orthogonal to $\vec a$ or $\vec b$ (any we find orthogonal to one will automatically be orthogonal to the other).

So we need $(x,y,z) \cdot (2,-4,3) = 2x-4y+3z=0$. Being a linear equation in three variables, we should just be able to choose two of the variables and solve for the last (though don't choose them both zero or you'll just end up with the zero vector which is collinear with every other vector). Let's choose $x=3$ and $y=0$. Plugging in, we see that $z=-2$. So one vector orthogonal to $(2,-4,3)$ is $(3,0,-2)$. Now let's choose $x=0$ and $y=3$ (You could choose the the two numbers to be whatever you like, but notice I chose them so that I'd get integer solutions because no one likes unnecessary fractions). Then $z=4$. So another vector orthogonal to $(2,-4,3)$ is $(0,3,4)$. Notice that $(3,0,-2)$ and $(0,3,4)$ are not collinear (they are not scalar multiples of each other).

So let $\vec u=(3,0,-2)$ and $\vec v=(0,3,4)$. Then to find $\vec c$ we need any point on the line $\operatorname{span}(2,-4,3)$. $(0,0,0)$ is in that span. So let $\vec c = \vec 0$.

Then the equation representing our plane -- and thus every vector orthogonal to $\vec a$ and $\vec b$ -- is just $$\vec r(s,t) = (3,0,-2)s + (0,3,4)t$$

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