[Math] Unit Quaternion to a Scalar Power


I'm trying to modify a physics engine for efficiency. Currently, as objects move around the world, their orientation (a quaternion) is updated every frame, by multiplying by the rotation (another quaternion).

newOrientation = orientation*angularVelocity

This is not very efficient when the objects are far apart and the orientation is not required. What I would like to do is remember the time that orientation was last updated, and rotate only once for a given period of time.

This gives the formula:

newOrientation = orientation*(angularVelocity^timeSinceLastUpdate)

angularVelocity is a quaternion, while timeSinceLastUpdate is a scalar/real value.

What would the formula be to take a quaternion to a scalar power n?


The full java class has been posted at:


Best Answer

What would the formula be to take a quaternion to a scalar power n?

You'd need some elementary definitions for that.

Let $p=a+bi+cj+dk\in\mathbb{H}$ be a quaternion. Define, conjugacy (1), vector part (2), sign (3) and argument (4), as:



$$sgn(p)= \begin{cases} \frac{p}{|p|}, & \text{if $p\neq 0$ (3)} \\ 0, & \text{if $p=0$} \end{cases}$$

$$\arg(p)= \begin{cases} \arccos\left(\frac{a}{|p|}\right), & \text{if $p\neq 0$ (4)} \\ undefined, & \text{if $p=0$} \end{cases}$$

Exponential and logarithmic functions can now be defined, because $\mathbb{H}$ has a division algebra, so




Your scalar power will now be:


(7) now allows you to calculate directly.

Note that in this case, $n$ is a scalar, so $n\ln(q)=\ln(q)n$, so scalar powers in this case are unique modulo the branch you are working in.

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