Real Analysis – Uniqueness of Fourier Transform in L^1

fourier analysisreal-analysis

The Fourier transform of an $L^1$ function is defined by $$\hat{f}(y)=\int_\mathbb{R}f(x)e^{-ixy}dx$$

Is it true that for functions $f,g\in L^1$, if $\hat{f}=\hat{g}$, then $f=g$?

Best Answer

$$ \int_{\mathbb R} e^{-a|x|^2/2 + i x x_0} \hat f(x) \, dx = \int_{\mathbb R} f(y) \int_{\mathbb R} \frac1{2\pi} e^{-a|x|^2/2} e^{-ix(y-x_0)} \, dx \, dy = \int_{\mathbb R} \frac1{\sqrt{2 \pi a}} e^{-|y-x_0|^2/2a} f(y) \, dy .$$ The first equality is by substitution and Fubini. The second uses standard tables of Fourier transforms. The last quantity converges to $f(x_0)$ in $L_1$ as $a\to 0^+$ (see first that it converges if $f$ is a continuous and compactly supported, then use the usual tricks of approximating $f$ by a such a function). I might be off by a factor of $2\pi$.

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