[Math] uniqueness of algebraic closure


I denote the field of algebraic elements over a field $K$ by $\overline{K}$. An algebraic closure of a field $K$ is an algebraic extension of $K$ that is algebraically closed. I want to prove algebraic closure of a field is unique up to isomorphism.

My attempt: If $L$ is an algebraic extension of $\overline{K}$ then it is algebraic extension of $K$. So by definition of $\overline{K}$, $L$ is a subfield $\overline{K}$, which implies that $L=\overline{K}$. This means $\overline{K}$ has no nontrivial algebraic extension. Hence $\overline{K}$ is an algebraic extension of $K$ that is algebraically closed, thus, $\overline{K}$ is an algebraic closure of $K$.

I conclude that any algebraic closure of a field $K$ is isomorphic to our specific field $\overline{K}$ which is the field of algebraic elements over $K$. So all closures are isomorphic.

Is there any mistake at my attempt? Any comment and suggestion will be appreciated.

Best Answer

You are too generous with equality and you start by assuming a not yet specifically defined $\overline K$.

I'd suggest you start with

Lemma. Let $K$ be a field, $L/K$ algebraic (but not necessarily algebraically closed), $M/K$ algebraically closed (but not necessarily algebraic). Then there exists at least one field homomorphism $f\colon L\to M$.

Proof sketch. Consider the set of all field homomorphisms $\phi\colon L'\to M$ where $K\subseteq L'\subseteq L$ and define a partial order on this set by saying $\phi\le \psi$ if $\psi$ is an extension of $\phi$ (i.e., the domain of $\phi$ is a subfield of the domain of $\psi$ and $\phi$ is the restriction of $\psi$ to that subfield). Verify that Zorn's lemma can be applied. Pick a maximal element $\phi_\max\colon L_\max\to M$ and show that in fact $L_\max=L$ (using that $L$ is algebraic and $M$ is algebraically closed).

Once you have that, apply the lemma to the case that $L$ and $M$ are both algebraic and algebraically closed and show that any $f$ the lemma gives you is in fact onto.