[Math] Unique factorization in $\mathbb Z(\sqrt{-19})$


An elementary confusion about class number:

In $\mathbb Z(\sqrt{-19})$ we have $N(1+\sqrt{-19}) = (1+\sqrt{-19})(1-\sqrt{-19}) = 2^2\cdot 5.$

I see that 2 and 5 are irreducible, 4 is not.

In a UFD a non-zero, non-unit element can be factored uniquely (up to associates) as a finite product of irreducibles. What is it about the two factorizations of 20 above that prevents them from being non-trivial distinct factorizations into a finite product of irreducibles?

Thank you.

Best Answer

Let $u = \frac{1+ \sqrt {-19}}2$. $u$ is an algebraic integer (because $u^2 = u-5$). And so the ring of integers of $\Bbb Q(\sqrt {-19})$ is $\Bbb Z[u]$ and not $\Bbb Z[\sqrt{ -19}]$.

$\Bbb Z[u]$ has unique factorisation. For example, $u$ and $1-u$ are irreducible, and $5$ factors as $u(1-u)$.