[Math] union of two simply connected open , with open and non empty intersection in $R^2$


Let $D_1,D_2$ be two simply connected open subsets of $\mathbb{R}^2$. Let's suppose that it's intersection is nonempty and connected. Then $ D_1\cup D_2$ is simply connected.
I have no idea how can I do this.

Best Answer

If you want a result without groups or groupoids, here it is.

Let $\cal U$ be an open cover of a space $X$ with base point $x$ such that each set of $\cal U$ is simply connected and each set of $\cal U$ and intersection of two sets of $\cal U$ is path connected and contains $x$. Then $X$ is simply connected.

Proof. Let $a: I \to X $ be a loop in $X $ at the base point $x $. By the Lebesgue covering lemma, there is a subdivision $ a=a_1 + a_2+ \cdots +a_n $ of $a $ such that each $a_i $ lies in some set $U_i $ of $\cal U$. We consider $a_i$ as a map $I \to X$. Let $b_0, b_{n+1}$ be constant paths at the point $x$. By the assumptions, we can for $1 < i \leq n$ choose a path $b_i: I \to X$ joining $a_i(0)$ to $x$ and lying in $U_{i-1} \cap U_i$. The loop $-b_i + a_i+b_{i+1}$ lies in $U_i$ and so is contractible to a constant rel end points, by assumption of simple connectivity of $U_i$. It follows that $a$ is contractible to a point in $X$.

This argument can be usefully generalised to higher dimensions, in the context of filtered spaces.

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