[Math] Union of two denumerable sets is denumerable


Good night. I have a problem with this exercise:

Prove that the union of two denumerable sets is denumerable.


Be $A,B\subset\mathbb{R}$ where A and B are numerable, in other words $f:\mathbb{N\rightarrow}A$ biyective and $g:\mathbb{N\rightarrow}B$. Be $h:\mathbb{N\rightarrow}A\cup B$ and suppose:

$A=\left\{ a_{1},a_{2},a_{3},…\right\} $

$B=\left\{ b_{1},b_{2},b_{3},…\right\} $

I construct a function biyective such that

$1\rightarrow a_{1}$

$2\rightarrow b_{1}$

$3\rightarrow a_{2}$

$4\rightarrow b_{2}$




Where $h(x)=\begin{cases}
2k+1\rightarrow a_{k}\:k\epsilon\mathbb{N}\\
2k\rightarrow b_{k}\:k\epsilon\mathbb{N}

If we see the function $h(x)$ she is $\mathbb{N}$ in other words, $A\cup B$=$\mathbb{N}$ then $h:\mathbb{N\rightarrow}A\cup B$ is biyective.

But i feel my proof is too bad, can someone help me?

Best Answer

The proof is almost correct, and is actually a good way of approaching the problem. One small error is that $h$ is not actually bijective, since you can have $a_i=b_j$ for some $i, j$. However, $h$ is still surjective, which suffices to show the union is countable.