[Math] Uniform distribution with probability density function. Find the value of $k$.

probability distributionsstatistics

For a random sample $X_1,X_2,…X_n$ from a uniform $[0,\Theta]$ distribution, with probability density function

$$f(x;\Theta) = \left\{ \begin{array} \ \frac{1}{\Theta} & 0\le x \le\Theta,\\ 0 & \text{otherwise}.\end{array}\right.$$

What is the value of $k$ such that $\hat{\Theta}=k\bar{X}$ is an unbiased estimator of $\Theta$?

I've done some questions similar to this but I'm not sure how to go about this one. I have a test in 3 hours so help is really appreciated!

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