Real Analysis – Uniform Convergence of Sequence and Its Derivative


Discuss the uniform convergence of $f_n(x)=\frac{\sqrt{1+{(nx)}^2}}{n}$ and its first derivative on real line.

I think both $f_n$ and ${f_n}^\prime$ do not converge uniformly. If we put $x=0,1$ in $f_n$ then we get point wise limit 0 and 1 respectively. So $f_n$ doesn't converge uniformly.

${f_n}^\prime(x)=\frac{nx}{\sqrt{1+(nx)^2}}.$ If we put $x=1/n$ then it becomes $1/\sqrt{2}$ . So sup norm never becomes zero. But point wise limit is zero. So it is not uniformly convergent. Correct? Thanks.

Best Answer

Pointwise limit of $f_n'(x)$ is $0$ for $x=0$, $1$ for $x >0$ and $-1$ for $x<0$. The limit function is not continuous and hence the convergence of $(f_n')$ is not uniform.

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