[Math] Uniform continuity of $f(x)=(1-\cos(x))/\sin(x)$ on the interval $(0,1)$


I got this question:

Prove that the function $f(x)=\frac{1-\cos(x)}{\sin(x)}$ is uniformly continuous on the interval $(0,1)$

I tried to prove it directly using the definition of uniform continuity but I failed this way. Then I tried to prove it using the fact that the sum of two uniformly continuous functions is uniformly continuous by writing $f(x)=\frac{1}{\sin(x)} – \cot(x)$ and then I tried to show that both $\frac{1}{\sin(x)}$ and $cot(x)$ are uniformly continuous on (0,1) but I wasn't managed to proceed that much.

Some hints will be helpful. Thanks.

Best Answer

Hint: You can extend $f$ continuously to $[0,1]$ and continuous functions on closed intervals are uniformly continuous.

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