Linear Algebra – Understanding the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

linear algebramatricesmatrix decompositionsvd

Please, would someone be so kind and explain what exactly happens when Singular Value Decomposition is applied on a matrix? What are singular values, left singular, and right singular vectors? I know they are matrices of specific form, I know how to calculate it but I cannot understand their meaning.

I have recently been sort of catching up with Linear Algebra and matrix operations. I came across some techniques of matrix decomposition, particularly Singular Value Decomposition and I must admit I am having problem to understand the meaning of SVD.

I read a bit about eigenvalues and eigenvectors only because I was interested in PCA and I came across diagonalizing a covariance matrix which determines its eigenvectors and eigenvalues (to be variances) towards those eigenvectors. I finally understood it but SVD gives me really hard time.


Best Answer

One geometric interpretation of the singular values of a matrix is the following. Suppose $A$ is an $m\times n$ matrix (real valued, for simplicity). Think of it as a linear transformation $\mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R^m$ in the usual way. Now take the unit sphere $S$ in $\mathbb R^n$. Being a linear transformation, $A$ maps $S$ to an ellipsoid in $\mathbb R^m$. The lengths of the semi-axes of this ellipsoid are precisely the non-zero singular values of $A$. The zero singular values tell us what the dimension of the ellipsoid is going to be: $n$ minus the number of zero singular values.

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