[Math] Understanding the Gram-Schmidt process

geometrygram-schmidtlinear algebraorthonormalvisualization

I would like to better understand the gram-schmidt process. The statement of the theorem in my textbook is the following:

The Gram-Schmidt sequence $[u_1, u_2,\ldots]$ has the property that $\{u_1, u_2,\ldots, u_n\}$ is an orthonormal base for the linear span of $\{x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_k\}$ for $k\geq 1$. The formula for $\{u_1, u_2,\ldots, u_n\}$ is:
x_k = \left|\left| x_k – \sum\limits_{i<k}\langle x_k, u_i\rangle u_i \right|\right|_2^{-1} \left(x_k – \sum\limits_{i<k}\langle x_k, u_i\rangle u_i\right)

Note that I am primarily interested in how all of the vectors are orthogonal. The norm term in the above equation tells me that all the vectors will be unit vectors and hence we get an orthonormal set. Anyway, I see how this works algebraically; Let $v = x_k – \sum\limits_{i<k}\langle x_k, u_i\rangle u_i$. Now, take the dot product of $\langle v, u_j\rangle$ for some $j<k$:
\langle v, u_j\rangle = \langle x_k, u_j\rangle – \sum\limits_{i<k}\langle x_k, u_i\rangle\langle u_i, u_j\rangle
When we assume in the induction hypothesis that we have an orthonormal basis for $i<k$ then the sum is zero except when $i=j$. This leaves us with:
\langle v, u_j\rangle = \langle x_k, u_j\rangle – \langle x_k, u_j\rangle = 0

OK, I can logically follow algebra, but how can I see this geometrically? Can someone provide both 2D and 3D examples/plots? Since I am specifically interested in seeing how all the vectors meet at 90 degrees.

Best Answer

Consider the following diagram, courtesy of mathinsight.org:

dot product

You can think of $(a \cdot u) u$ as the piece of $a$ that is in the direction of $u$. The part that is left over, $a - (a \cdot u) u$, must naturally be the missing side of the triangle, and hence is perpendicular to $u$. So at each step of the Gram-Schmidt process, the formula

$$ v_{n+1} = a - \sum_{j=1}^n \langle a, u_j \rangle u_j, \quad u_{n+1} = v_{n+1}/ \|v_{n+1} \|$$

does the following: it first subtracts all the pieces of $a$ that are in the same direction as all the $u_j$, then it renormalizes. The resulting vector must be orthogonal to all the $u_j$'s since you just subtracted out all the pieces that were not perpendicular.

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