[Math] Understanding the definition of the center $Z(G)$ of a group $G$.


I'm having trouble understanding the definition of "center" in group theory. My textbook says:

"The center, $Z(G)$, of a group is the subset of elements in $G$ that commute with every element of $G$. In symbols, $Z(G)= \{a \in G :\, ax= xa,\forall x\in G\}$."

What does it mean to commute with every element? Does this just mean it's an Abelian group or is it something entirely different?

This sounds pretty basic but I still don't understand.


Best Answer

If the group $G$ is abelian, then we would have that $Z(G) = G$. Normally in a group which is not necessarily abelian, there are elements which do not commute with every other element. What is true, is that $$Z(G) \unlhd G$$ As an example that in general $Z(G) \neq G$, we have that $$Z(S_n) = \{\operatorname{id}\}$$ whenever $n \geq 3$ (a proof can be found here).