[Math] Understanding purpose of dual vector space

abstract-algebradifferential-geometrylinear algebra

I am a beginner in differential geometry and have questions/confusion about dual vector space. I took a look at this and this questions. But both did not resolve my question.

We have standard definition of a dual vector space as:

Let $G,H$ are real vector spaces, we define vector space of all linear
maps $ f : G \rightarrow H$. Dual space $G^*$ is defined as $G^*: G
\rightarrow \mathbb R$

  • Sometimes notation $HOM(G,H)$ is used to indicate vector space of all linear maps. Does this have to do with homomorphism? Can someone comment what is role of homomorphism here?
  • When $G,H$ are both real vector spaces, why can't we say dual space $G^*$ is $G^*: G \rightarrow H$?
  • I did not understand the purpose of defining another vector space mapping from original vector space to space of real numbers. I can guess, one such purpose is for non Cartesian coordinate systems. We have a vector as $ \overline{ a} = a_{i}e^i = a^je_j$. Here $e^i,e_j$ are dual basis vectors. Is this the purpose for dual vector space?

I appreciate any inputs and thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Sometimes notation $HOM(G,H)$ is used to indicate vector space of all linear maps. Does this have to do with homomorphism? Can someone comment what is role of homomorphism here?

Definition: A linear homomorphism is a linear map between vector spaces.

Definition: $\operatorname{Hom}(V,W)$, where $V$ and $W$ are two $\Bbb R$-vector spaces, is the collection of all linear homomorphisms from $V$ to $W$. With the usual notions of addition and scalar multiplication of functions $\operatorname{Hom}(V,W)$ is itself an $\Bbb R$-vector space.

Definition: The dual space to an $\Bbb R$-vector space $V$ is defined as $V^* = \operatorname{Hom}(V,\Bbb R)$.

When $G,H$ are both real vector spaces, why can't we say dual space $G^*$ is $G^*: G \rightarrow H$?

I don't see how you think this should work. For instance, how would you choose the correct $H$? The actual definition of the dual space is given above.

I did not understand the purpose of defining another vector space mapping from original vector space to space of real numbers. I can guess, one such purpose is for non Cartesian coordinate systems. We have a vector as $ \overline{ a} = a_{i}e^i = a^je_j$. Here $e^i,e_j$ are dual basis vectors. Is this the purpose for dual vector space?

One immediate application of the dual space is indeed that it provides a nice way to expand vectors in a non-orthogonal basis.

Let $V$ be an $n$-dimensional $\Bbb R$-vector space. If $\{e_1, \dots, e_n\}\subset V$ is some (not necessarily orthogonal) basis for $V$ and $\{f^1, \dots, f^n\}\subset V^*$ is its dual basis, then for any vector $v\in\Bbb V$ we have $$v = \langle v, f^1\rangle e_1 + \cdots + \langle v, f^n\rangle e_n$$ where $\langle v, f^i\rangle := f^i(v)$.

Be careful though. It's not true that $a_{i}e^i = a^je_j$ as the LHS and RHS are two different types of objects (existing in two different vector spaces). I've seen physicists state this before but strictly speaking $V$ and $V^*$ are always distinct spaces (I think).