[Math] Understanding gradients on Riemannian Manifolds


I am trying to understand how the gradients are defined on a Riemannian manifold, at least in a shallow way. The wikipedia definition is as the following:

enter image description here

What I understand from this is, given a manifold $M$ with the metric $g$, the gradient of function $f$on the manifold $M$ is the vector field $(\nabla f)_x$ which produces for every $x \in M$ and $X_x \in T_xM$ a scalar $(\partial_{X}f)(x)$. According to the definition here, $(\partial_{X}f)(x)$ is equal to the directional derivative of $f$ at the direction of $X$, both evaluated at $x$. So, this should be $\nabla f(x)^TX_x$, if I understand correctly. But this understanding seems trivial; then the required $\nabla f$ will be just the evaluation of the function $f$'s gradient at each $x \in M$. And the last definition of $\partial_{X}f$ with the coordinate chart $\phi$ seems to tell something else; so I am confused here. What is the actual, correct interpretation of this definition?

Best Answer

Think of it in terms of properties we want the gradient to have. Properties come first, and formulas are then written out so that they satisfy those properties.

The essential properties of the gradient vector field $\nabla f$ are:

  • $\nabla f$ is perpendicular to the level sets of $f$
  • $|\nabla f|$ is proportional to the rate of increase of $f$

The differential $df$ takes a vector field $X$ and returns a measurement of how quickly $f$ is increasing along the flow line of $X$. If $\nabla f$ has the properties above, then we should be able to obtain this measurement by taking the dot product of $X$ with the gradient field $\nabla f$. So the defining property of the vector field $\nabla f$ is that, for all vector fields $X$, we have: $$ g(\nabla f, X) = df(X) = \partial_Xf $$

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