[Math] Understanding Dual Transformations and reasoning behind definition

linear algebra

In Linear Algebra working with Dual space and dual transformations I've come along this very basic definition of the dual transformations:


$T^*$ is a dual transformations from $W^*\to V^*$
$T$ is a linear transformation from $V\to W$
$u$ is a linear functional which belongs to $W^*$
$v$ is a vector which belongs to $V$

Then the following applies:
$$ (T^*u)(v) = u(Tv) $$

Why is the dual transformation defined this way? (I know this is a very problematic question, but please any intuition will be very helpful)

Best Answer

In the special case of matrix algebra, this turns out to be fairly obvious.

In this setting, one usually writes vectors as $n \times 1$ matrices ("column vectors"), and linear functionals as $1 \times n$ matrices ("row vectors").

If we have a matrix $A$ with suitable dimensions, then "multiplication on the left" results in a linear transformation (call it $T$): i.e. $T(v) = Av$. The dual transformation is "multiplication on the right". That is, $T^*(u) = uA$. So your identity is merely

$$ (uA)v = u(Av) $$