[Math] understanding basics of linear transformations, in polynomials

linear algebrapolynomials

$T:P_3\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ given: $T(p)= \int_0^1x^2p(x)dx$. Prove that T is a linear transformation, and find a basis for its kernel.


My textbook explain using only very abstract terms, and as I'm new to the concept; I'm having difficulty in applying the idea of 'linear transformations'.


what is the term $P_3$… it is not defined. I'm guessing a polynomial of at most 3rd degree. Further is $p(x)$ then also a polynomial of 3rd degree?

Any hints/ advise would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

I assume $P_3$ is the set of polynomials with real coefficients having degree $\leq3$.

How does the general element $p\in P_3$ look like? (Note that a polynomial, albeit being a complicated expression, is considered here as a "point" in $P_3$ and is denoted therefore by a single letter $p$.)

Verify: $P_3$ is a vector space.

Produce a basis of $P_3$, i.e., an array $\bigl(e_k)_{1\leq k\leq n}$ of special polynomials such that any $p\in P_3$ can be written as a linear combination (with real coefficients) of these $e_k$. What is $n$ ?

Verify that $T:\ P_3\to{\mathbb R}$ is linear, i.e., that for arbitrary $p$, $q\in P_3$ and arbitrary $\alpha$,$\beta\in{\mathbb R}$ one has $T(\alpha p+\beta q)=\alpha T(p)+\beta T(q)$.

Now we are proceeding to the analysis of $T$. To do this we have to find the matrix of $T$. How many rows resp. columns does this matrix have? To find the matrix we have to compute the effect of $T$ on the $n$ basis vectors and to write the result into the columns of the matrix. This means that we actually have to compute $n$ integrals.

This should do for the moment $\ldots$