[Math] Understanding a proof of Schröder-Bernstein theorem


Abbott's intro analysis text gives a guided exercise to work through the Schröder-Bernstein Theorem. There are two key (probably related) parts I do not understand.

Theorem: Let there be an injective function $f: X \rightarrow Y$ and another injective function $g: Y \rightarrow X$. Then there exists a bijection $h: X \rightarrow Y$.

Proof: Idea is to partition $X$ and $Y$ into $X = A \cup A'$ and $Y = B \cup B'$, with $A \cap A' = \emptyset$ and $B \cap B' = \emptyset$, such that $f$ maps $A$ onto $B$ and $g$ maps $B'$ onto $A'$.

So set $A_1 = X \setminus g(Y)$ and inductively define a sequence of sets by letting $A_{n+1} = g(f(A_n))$. The exercise had me prove that $\{A_n : n \in \mathbb{N}\}$ is a pairwise disjoint collection of subsets of $X$, while $\{f(A_n) : n \in \mathbb{N} \}$ is a similar collection in $Y$. Why does pairwise disjointness matter?

To conclude, let $A = \cup_{n=1}^\infty A_n$ and $B = \cup_{n=1}^\infty f(A_n)$. I showed that $f$ maps $A$ onto $B$ (trivial). Let $A' = X \setminus A$ and $B' = Y \setminus B$. Why does $g$ map $B'$ onto $A'$? This is such a key question that I feel bad admitting I need a hint.

Best Answer

First lets check, that $g$ indeed maps to from $B' \to A'$. Suppose $g(b') \in A_n=g(f(A_{n-1}))$ for some $n$. So by injectivity we would have $b' \in f(A_{n-1})$, but this is already a contradiction.

Now why is $g$ restricted to $B'$ onto? Suppose there is an element $a' \in A'$ that is not hit by any $b' \in B'$. Since $a'$ cannot be in $A_1$ there has to be an element $b \in f(A_n)\subset B$ s.t. $g(b)=a'$. Since $b \in f(A_n)$ we can write it as $f(a)=b$ and therefore $a'=g(f(a))\in A_{n+1}$. But this is a contradiction to where $a'$ lives.

I'm also not sure why the disjointness is of importance. You could argue that the $f(A_n)$ in which $b$ lies is only unique if this is the case. But this doesn't seem to matter much for the argument to work.

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