[Math] Understanding a problem in Munkres


This problem is from Chapter 2, Section 16, number 5 in Munkres' Topology. This is not a homework problem, but I'm trying to complete all problems from the sections covered in class.

Let $X$ and $X'$ denote a single set in the topologies $\mathcal T$ and $\mathcal T'$, respectively; let $Y$ an $Y'$ denote a single set in the topologies $\mathcal U$ and $\mathcal U'$, respectively. Assume these sets are nonempty.

(a) Show that if $\mathcal T' \supset \mathcal T$ and $\mathcal U' \supset \mathcal U$, then the product topology on $X' \times Y'$ is finer than the product topology on $X\times Y$.

The way that I would like to prove this is to show that a basis element of the product topology on $X \times Y$ is also a basis element of the product topology on $X' \times Y'$. A basis element for $X\times Y$ is of the form $(A\cap X) \times (B\cap Y) = (A\times B) \cap (X\times Y)$ for some $\mathcal T$-open set $A$ and some $\mathcal U$-open set $B$. I'm not sure how I can show that this is also a basis element of the product topology on $X' \times Y'$ if I don't know the relationship between $X$ and $X'$ or $Y$ and $Y'$.

Best Answer

When they say that $X$ and $X'$ are a single set in the topologies $\mathcal T$ and $\mathcal T',$ what they mean is that $X=X'$ as sets; when we denote it by $X$ as a topological space, we consider it with the topology $\mathcal T,$ and likewise with $X'$ and $\mathcal T'.$ The same idea goes for $Y,Y',\mathcal U,\mathcal U'.$ This makes your job almost trivial, since the subsets of $X$ and $X'$ are identical, as are the subsets of $Y$ and $Y'.$

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