Set Theory – Uncountable Minus Countable Set is Uncountable


Problem statement

Prove that if $A$ is an uncountable set and $B$ is a countable set, then $A\setminus B$ must be uncountable.

What I think

The statement does not mention $A$ and $B$ relationship. I think there are two possibilities:

  • If $A \cap B = \emptyset $, then $A\setminus B$ is trivially uncountable
  • If $A \cap B = B$, then $B \subset A$ and as a bijection can not be made between $A\setminus B$ and $\mathbb{N}$, $A\setminus B$ is uncountable.

And there is where I'm stuck. How can I prove that a bijecton can't be made?


Best Answer

Maybe this is a way to see it. You can make it more precise yourself. Assume that $A\setminus B$ is countable. $B$ is countable, so that would mean that $(A \setminus B) \cup B$ is countable (finite union of countable sets is clearly countable). But then $A \subseteq (A\setminus B)\cup B$, so $A$ is contained in a countable set, so it must itself be countable.