[Math] Unclear why (first order) satisfiability undecidable and not semi-decidable.


Hoping this will just be a terminology question, otherwise I have a bigger problem of harboring a misunderstanding re: decidability.

We know that (first order) satisfiability (for the general case of an arbitrary closed formula) is undecidable, and not even semi-decidable, by the following argument:

Validity is semi-decidable, by deciding it in terms of unsatisfiability, which is semi-decidable by the result that closed formulae in Skolem form are unsatisfiable if and only if they have a finite "segment" that is unsatisfiable.

If satisfiability were semi-decidable, then satisfiability and its complement, unsatisfiability would both be semi-decidable, so satisfiability would be decidable, in which case validity would be decidable, contradicting the negative answer to the Entscheidungsproblem of (general first order) validity.

Correct so far, even if not very rigorous?

My question then: We say satisfiability is not semi-decidable, even though its complement (unsatisfiability) is semi-decidable. So one must see 'semi-decidable' as a property of the specific decision problem, i.e. keep apart "x is satisfiable" and "x is not satisfiable", and not incorrectly think of satisfiability as semi-decidable because: "one half of the entire question is decidable, so the entire problem of satisfiability is semi-decidable."

Best Answer

I'm not totally sure what you're asking, but let me take a stab at it:

Your sentence

One must see 'semi-decidable' as a property of the specific decision problem, i.e. keep apart "x is satisfiable" and "x is not satisfiable"

is absolutely correct. There are many senses in which two decision problems can be "equivalent," and the point is that semidecidability (or more commonly, computable or recursive enumerability) does not always respect these notions. For instance, every c.e. set is Turing equivalent to a co-c.e. set, but obviously no c.e. set is also co-c.e. unless it is computable. This is essentially the example you give of unsatisfiability for first-order formulas.

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