Probability – Random Selection of Two Points on a Line

probabilityprobability distributions

If two points are selected on a straight line of length 'a' units at random, then what is the probability that none of the three line segments formed by the two random points has length less than a/4.

Best Answer

Choosing two independently and uniformly distributed points $x$, $y\in[0,1]$ is the same as choosing an uniformly distributed point $(x,y)\in Q:=[0,1]^2$. In other words: The joint probability measure at stake is just the area measure on $Q$. Consider a point $(x,y)\in Q$. When $y\leq x$ the requirement that none of the three parts of the stick so generated has length $<{1\over4}$ is fulfilled iff $y\geq{1\over 4}$, $\>x\leq{3\over4}$, and $y\leq x-{1\over4}$. The points fulfilling these conditions are the points in the lower right red triangle in the following figure. The assumption $y\geq x$ gives rise to a congruent such triangle, colored red in the figure as well. All in all, the set of points where none of the three pieces of the stick has length $<{1\over4}$ has area ${1\over16}$. It follows that the probability in question is ${1\over16}$.

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