Statistics – Two Formulas for Standard Error of Difference Between Means


I mostly see this formula when searching for a formula for the estimate of the standard error in difference between two means, and it is also used in this video.
But I've also seen this one (and this is the one my book uses):
As these are two very different formulas, how come they are used seemingly interchangeably?

Best Answer

In both scenarios $\sigma_{1}$ and $\sigma_{2}$ are unknown. The bottom formula is using the assumption that $\sigma_{1} = \sigma_{2}$ and attempting to estimate that shared variance by pooling all observations together and calculating a weighted mean. Thus, the factor on the left plays the role of both $s_{1}^{2}$ and $s_{2}^{2}$ in the bottom equation. This method is usually used when you have small sample sizes and the equal variance assumption is plausible.

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