[Math] Two dice are rolled and the sum of the face values is less than six. What is the probability that at least one of the dice came up a three

probabilityprobability theory

Two dice are rolled and the sum of the face values is less than six. What is the probability that at least one of the dice came up a three?

This is just taking the initial question that I asked and expanding on it: Two dice are rolled and the sum of the face values is six. What is the probability that at least one of the dice came up a three?

Attempt: So since they are requesting that the sum be less than 6 but still have at least one 3 included I felt that the expression should be: $$P(at\ least\ 3| sum < 6) = P(at\ least\ 3| sum = 5) + P(at \ least\ 3| sum = 4)$$ The reason I only have 4,5 is because if we have two dice the only summations that can have a 3 are 4 and 5. This being the case I proceeded: $$P(sum\ of\ 5)= P(5|(3,2))P(3,2) + P(5|(4,1))P(4,1)$$ $$=(1)(\frac{2}{36}) + (1)(\frac{2}{36})$$ Therefore: $$P(at\ least\ 3| sum = 5) = \frac{P(5|(3,2))P(3,2)}{ P(5|(3,2))P(3,2) + P(5|(4,1))P(4,1)}$$ $$=\frac{1}{2}$$ $$P(sum\ of\ 4)= P(4|(2,2))P(2,2) + P(4|(3,1))P(3,1)$$ $$=(1)(\frac{1}{36}) + (1)(\frac{2}{36})$$ Therefore: $$=\frac{P(4|(3,1))P(3,1)}{P(4|(2,2))P(2,2) + P(4|(3,1))P(3,1)}$$
$$ = (1)(\frac{1}{36} + (1)(\frac{2}{36}$$
$$ = \frac{3}{36}$$

And then I was going to sum up these two according to: $$P(at\ least\ 3| sum < 6) = P(at\ least\ 3| sum = 5) + P(at \ least\ 3| sum = 4)$$

But this then means: $$\frac{1}{2} + \frac{2}{3}$$

Which of course is greater than 1. So where did I go wrong?

Best Answer

Your idea of decomposing into the various possible sums smaller than 6 is correct, but you need to ponderate them with the probability of the smaller sum itself occuring, i.e.:

$$P(\text{at least }3\mid\text{sum}<6)=\sum_i P(\text{at least }3\mid\text{sum}=i)\times P(\text{sum}=i\mid\text{sum}<6)$$

As you correctly pointed out, the only two possible cases are $i=4,5$. There are $10$ possible cases with a sum smaller than $6$, and we get: $$P(\text{sum}=5\mid\text{sum}<6)=\dfrac{4}{10}\qquad\text{and}\qquad P(\text{sum}=4\mid\text{sum}<6)=\dfrac{3}{10}$$

Now counting the cases where at least one $3$ occurs: $$P(\text{at least }3\mid\text{sum}=5)=\dfrac{1}{2}\qquad\text{and}\qquad P(\text{at least }3\mid\text{sum}=4)=\dfrac{2}{3}$$

Finally: $$P(\text{at least }3\mid\text{sum}<6)=\dfrac{1}{2}\times\dfrac{4}{10}+\dfrac{2}{3}\times\dfrac{3}{10}=\dfrac{2}{5}.$$

(Note that, of course, this corresponds to counting the outcomes with at least one $3$ - there are $4$ of them - out of the $10$ possible cases with a sum smaller than $6$).