[Math] Two definitions of conormal bundle


Suppose $X$ is a smooth manifold and $f: Z \to X$ is an immersion with transverse self-intersection. I've seen (e.g. here) the conormal bundle to $Z$ in $T^* X$ defined as

Definition A: $\quad L_Z := \{(x,\alpha) \in T^*X \mid x \in Z, \, \alpha(v) =0 \text{ for all } v \in T_x Z \}\subset T^*X.$

Q1: The space $L_Z$ is an embedded submanifold of $T^* X$. How can you see that it is embedded above self-intersection points of $Z$?

(If $x$ is a self-intersection point, $T_x Z$ is not defined, so I assume "$\alpha( v)=0 \text{ for all } v \in T_x Z$" means $\alpha \big( df_z (v) \big)=0$ for all $v \in T_z Z$ such that $f(z)=x$. Equivalently, $\alpha(\gamma'(0))=0$ for smooth curves $\gamma: (-\epsilon,\epsilon) \to X$ with image in $f(Z)$. Note that $\alpha$ must be zero if $x$ is a transverse self-intersection point.)

The above definition is something of a "forgetful" conormal bundle, as it is essentially determined by the image $f(Z)$. If we have access to $f$ itself, it seems more natural to me to define the conormal bundle as a subbundle of the pullback of $T^* X \to X$ by $f$:

Definition B: $\quad N^*_f(Z):= \{ (z,\alpha) \in Z \times T^* X \mid \alpha \in T^*_{f(z)} X \text{ such that } \alpha\big( df_z (v)\big)=0 \text{ for all } v \in T_z Z\}.

There's an obvious map $F: N^*_f(Z)\to T^*X$ which is an immersion (resp. embedding) if and only if $f$ is an immersion (resp. embedding). And $F(N_f^*(Z))=L_Z$ if $f$ is an embedding, but not if $f$ has transverse self-intersection points.

Q2: Which (if either) of these two definitions is the standard definition of the conormal bundle?

Best Answer

The normal bundle $N$ to $f$ is the quotient bundle defined by the exact sequence of vector bundles on $Z$: $$0\to T_Z\to f^*T_X\to N\to 0$$ The conormal bundle is just the dual bundle $N^*$ on $Z$, and it is indeed a subbundle of $f^*(T^*_X)$
This is equivalent to your definition B, up to the identification of the dual of a quotient bundle with the annihilator of the subbundle: $N^*\simeq T_Z^\circ$
Consideration of $f(Z)$ or "transverse self-intersection" is irrelevant and confusing.