[Math] Two circles touch internally


Hello I've bean practicing for competition in math and can't seem to solve this problem,tried drawing chords,tangents,finding equal triangles,but couldn't seem to solve it.Any help would be appreciated.
Circles $k_1$, with center in $O_1$ and radius $r$ and $k_2$, with center in $O_2$ and radius $2r$, touch internally.Chord $AB$ of circle $k_2$ touch circle $k_1$ in point $T$.Let $p$ be a normal line from $O_2$ onto $AB$, and let her second intersection with circle $k_1$ be point $C$. Let $D$ be the point of intersection of $p$ and $k_2$ which is on the opposite side of $O_2$ in relation to $AB$.Prove that the line $AB$ is a perpendicular bisector of $CD$
enter image description here

Best Answer

Call the point where $AB$ and $CD$ intersect $E$ and the point where the circles touch $F$. Then the line $FT$ also goes through $D$, as the lines defined by $TO_1$ and $DO_2$ are both mutually perpendicular to the line $AB$ and so are parallel. Note that $T$ lies on the circle for which $O_2F$ is the diameter, so angle $O_2 T F$ is a right angle, and so triangle $O_2 T D$ is a right triangle.

By similarity, that means that $\frac{EO_2}{ET} = \frac{ET}{DE}$, or $DE\cdot EO_2 = ET^2$. Also, by the secant-tangent theorem, $EO_2 \cdot EC = ET^2$, so $EC = ED$.

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