[Math] Two Buckets Water Puzzle

graph theorypuzzle

When reading up on graph theory, I came across this puzzle and on further investigation, learned that a general solution for this is similar to this problem.

However, I haven't been able to understand how a graph may be used (though I did come across this animation). I'm trying to come up with an algorithm where, given two buckets of capacities a and b, how can I come up with the least number of steps to obtain precisely k litres? Since I originally saw the question in relation to a chapter on graph theory, I would love some pointers on how this may be solved using graphs (as opposed to the seemingly more commong gcd method).

EDIT: I found another related solution but am still not entirely certain.

Best Answer

The idea is that an ordered pair representing an amount of water one can obtain in each bucket represents a node in a graph. The directed edges of the graph represent which states are obtainable in one move from the current state.

Solving for the least number of steps to obtain precisely $k$ liters is then a shortest path problem. You are searching the graph for the shortest path from the original state to a state that has $k$ as one the members of the ordered pair.

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