[Math] Truth table for logically equivalent questions


I am a bit confused about this truth table that I have copied down during my lessons.
The question is

  • Use a truth table to determine whether the statement (P→Q)∧(Q→P) is
    logically equivalent to (P∨Q)∧(¬P∨¬Q)

This is the truth table that I have written down:
enter image description here

What I am confused now is if the fourth column is it really needed (⇔) for this question?

While compiling my notes, there is another similar question where it asks if (P→Q) is logically equivalent to ¬P∨Q and that particular column (⇔) is not shown in the truth table, I assume that is because the result of (P→Q) and ¬P∨Q is the same, hence enough said?

And so, is that column needed? Otherwise, under what sort of scenario or how are the questions being phrased that would requires me to use ⇔?

Best Answer

Two expressions are logically equivalent if and only if their truth values are equivalent. The first two expressions you listed (P→Q)∧(Q→P), (P∨Q)∧(¬P∨¬Q) are therefore not equivalent.

The second pair of expressions, (P→Q) and ¬P∨Q however, are equal (as you correctly determined). In fact, one definition of (P→Q) is ¬P∨Q.

The double arrow means if and only if, so that if you have a statement p ⇔ q, then you need to show p → q AND q → p (which is coincidentally logically equivalent to the third column you've written). It is unnecessary for determining whether two expressions are logically equivalent though, nor can I see the relation in the example.

Reading a quick excerpt for the first book I could find under the search "double arrow logical equivalence":

"Another way to determine whether two propositions are logical equivalent is to join two propositions together using the double arrow (⇔) and then determine whether the resulting biconditional forms a tautology... thus, if a biconditional is a tautology, then the left and right sides of the biconditional are logically equivalent to each other".

Source: Symbolic Logic: Syntax, Semantics, and Proof By David W. Agler, Pg. 82, Chapter 3

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