[Math] True or false? “sum of an m-strongly convex and a convex function is m-strongly convex”


I would like to know if the following conjecture is true or false?

If $f(x) = g(x) + h(x)$ where $g$ is m-strongly convex and $h$ is convex, then $f$ is m-strongly convex.

NOTE: For a non-differentiable function $F$, m-strongly convexity
means $F(y) \geq F(x) + g^T(y – x) + \frac{m}{2} ||y – x||^2, \forall x, y$ where $g \in \partial F(x)$ is a subgradient of $F$ at $x$. If $F$ is differentiable, m-strongly convexity can also be defined as $\nabla^2 F(x) \succeq m I, \forall x$ where $I$ is the identity matrix. You can see the wikipedia page, this blog post by Sébastien Bubeck, or these lecture notes from the Algorithms course at Cornell University for more details on strong convexity.

Best Answer

Sure, you can just add the inequalities. That is, if $g$ is $m$-strongly convex then, for some $a \in \partial g(x)$ $$ g(y) \ge g(x) + a^T(y-x) + \frac{m}{2}\|y-x\|^2, $$ And if $h$ is convex, then for some $b \in \partial h(x)$: $$ h(y) \ge h(x) + b^T(y-x), $$ Then by adding we have: $$ g(y) +h(y) \ge g(x) +h(x) + (a+b)^T(y-x) + \frac{m}{2}\|y-x\|^2 $$ $$ f(y) \ge f(x) + (a+b)^T(y-x) + \frac{m}{2}\|y-x\|^2 $$ So $f$ is strongly $m$-convex and $a+b \in \partial f(x)$:

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