[Math] True or False Questions about Open , Closed, and Closure Set.


  1. For any set A, complement of closure A is open => True since closure A is closed and complement must be open.

  2. If a set A has an isolated point, it cannot be an open set. => I think it is true, but can not think of proof.

3.Set A is closed if and only if A= closure of A => True by following definition.

  1. If A is a bounded set, then s=supA is a limit point of A => False Let A={1,2,3} then supA is 3 but 3 is not a limit point.

  2. Every finite set is closed => true, singleton element is closed and finite union of closed sets is closed.

  3. An open set that contains every rational number must necessarily be all of R
    I think it is true, but anyone can explain?

If there are any wrong answers, please point out and show me some counterexmaples.


Best Answer

  1. Looks good.

  2. This is true in $\mathbb{R}$, but not in general metric spaces. For a trivial example, consider the discrete metric on a single point; for a slightly less trivial example, consider the set $\{1\}\subset\{1/n:n\in\mathbb{Z}^+\}$ with the metric induced from $\mathbb{R}$.

  3. Looks good.

  4. Looks good.

  5. True in metric spaces but not in topological spaces, for instance by taking the indiscrete topology.

  6. False, consider $(-\infty,\sqrt{2})\cup(\sqrt{2},\infty)$. There are stranger examples; for instance, if we enumerate $\mathbb{Q}=(q_i)_{i\in\mathbb{N}}$, then $\bigcup (q_i-2^{-i},q_i+2^{-1})$ is open and contains the rationals, but the sum of the lengths of these intervals is merely $4$!