[Math] Trouble proving floor function is onto


I'm trying to do a proof of a floor function being onto, but I'm not sure where to go from here. I don't want to ask the question outright because I want to figure it out myself, but I know that if you want to prove a function is onto, say:
y = 3x+1
Would be to swap it to terms of x, and we'd get

x = (y-1)/3

But the equation I'm dealing with is:

y=\left \lfloor{\frac{x+1}{2}}\right \rfloor

How would I go about proving this is onto?

(Would have signed in, but stackexchange was not letting me today)

Best Answer

If the domain and codomain are both $\mathbb Z$, then $x = 2n-1$ gives you $y=n$. It is onto.