[Math] Trouble in finding number of permutations


I am currently taking a course on Discrete Mathematics. In that while solving this problem am bit confused with the method of solving the following problem.

Problem: How many arrangements are there of the letters
TALLAHASSEE which have no adjacent A's?

I can find the total number of permutations. But How to find the total no of permutations of adjacent A's?

so that, my answer will be..

Answer = total number of all permutations – total number of permutations of adjacent A's

Best Answer

We can bypass Inclusion/Exclusion by using a minor modification of Stars and Bars.

First arrange the $8$ non-A's. The number of arrangements is the multinomial coefficient $$\binom{8}{2,2,2,1,1}.$$ Alternately, put a sticker on one of the two L, one of the two S, and one of the two E, to distinguish them. The $8$ distinct letters can be arranged in $8!$ ways. Remove the stickers, one at a time. Each time we remove a sticker, $2!$ arrangements collapse into $1$. So the number of arrangements of the $8$ letters is $$\frac{8!}{2!2!2!}.$$

The $8$ letters determine $9$ "holes," one at the left end, one at the right end, and seven inter-letter holes. We need to choose $3$ of these holes to put the A's into. This can be done in $\binom{9}{3}$ ways.

It follows that the number of words with no two A's adjacent is $$\binom{8}{2,2,2,1,1}\binom{9}{3} \qquad\text{or equivalently}\qquad\frac{8!}{2!2!2!}\binom{9}{3} .$$

Compute. We get $(5040)(84)$, which is $423360$.

Comment: In the same way, we can get a simple expression for the answer if there are many more letters, including many more A's. Inclusion/Exclusion also generalizes, but gets gradually more unpleasant.