[Math] Trigonometry confusion


I was doing a bit of trigonometry, as I have been for a couple of years and it suddenly dawned on me that I don't really understand the trigonometric functions, at all.

You first learn the basic trig functions like this:

$$\sin(x) = \dfrac{o}{h}$$

$$\cos(x) = \dfrac{a}{h}$$

$$\tan(x) = \dfrac{o}{a}$$

Where $x$ is an angle and $o,a,h$ are the opposite, adjacent and hypotenuse sides respectively.

But I realized that I don't understand what the trig functions really , and especially why in god's name they work. This realization came when I had to sketch the functions $y=\sin^2(x)$ and I was dumbfounded; what exactly am I squaring? And why do the trig functions have a part below the x-axis? Why are they periodic?

Is there a way I can easily understand these functions intuitively?

Best Answer

As an example, the definition you're for $\sin$ using is:


I think your confusion stems from the fact that the angle $\theta$ isn't mentioned in the right hand side of this equation, which means if you're just given the angle, it's unclear how to calculate the $\sin$ (because what's $o$ and $h$?). The idea is that you imagine a right triangle where one corner has an angle $\theta$, and then $\sin\theta$ is equal to $\frac{o}{h}$ applied to the sides of that triangle. "But wait, how do I know I'm imagining the 'correct' triangle?". That's the thing - it doesn't matter. As long as the angle $\theta$ is the same, the ratio $\frac{o}{h}$ will always be the same. That's what justifies defining $\sin$ in terms of a triangle, rather than directly in terms of an angle.

That said, the triangular definitions that you're given in middle school are terrible definitions for the $\sin$ and $\cos$ functions. Some of the problems are:

  1. They only work for angles $< 90^\circ$. There can't be any oblique angles in a right triangle, so you can't talk about a hypotenuse.
  2. When working with polar coordinates, you have to perform complicated visualizations, superposing triangles over everything in your head in order to understand where the formulae are coming from.
  3. They obfuscate the relationship between $\sin\theta$ and the angle $\theta$.
  4. It's less clear why they're worth studying. Who cares about ratios of sides in right angle triangles?

These definitions caused a lot of confusion for me up until late high school when I suddenly realized other definitions were available. The best definition for high school mathematics is as follows (it's almost the same as the one given by Shahab, just explained in a different way).

Let's say you've got an angle of $\theta$ jutting up from the horizon towards the sky. You extend a segment along this angle, of length $r$.

And now you want to know what the height and width of this segment are ($y$ and $x$ in the diagram). It turns out there's no easy formula for these, so mathematicians simply define new symbols $\sin\theta$ for the height, and $\cos\theta$ for the width. Actually, I was simplifying a tiny bit. You can imagine that the values of $y$ and $x$ don't just depend on the angle $\theta$. If you make $r$ longer, both $x$ and $y$ will get bigger, but $\theta$ won't change. So to account for that, $\sin$ is actually defined as the value $\frac{y}{r}$, and similarly for $\cos$. Hopefully you can see that these values only depend on $\theta$. If you keep $\theta$ the same but, say, double $r$, then $y$ will get doubled as well, so the ratio $\frac{y}{r}$ will still be the same.

If you think of the triangle formed by the segments $x$, $y$ and $r$ in the diagram, you can see that $r$ is the hypotenuse, $x$ is the adjacent side and $y$ is the opposite side, so you get back the old triangle definition. The difference is that now, you have a definition that also applies to angles greater than $90ç\circ$

You can now easily explain why the trig functions have a part below the $x$-axis. When the angle is greater than $180^\circ$ but smaller than $360^\circ$, where will the angle be pointing? It'll be pointing downwards, so the "height" of the angle will be negative, hence $\sin$ will be negative. Why are they periodic? Because when the angle hits $360^\circ$, it's like you're back to an angle $0$ again. See the animation in robjohn's answer for a great visualization.

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