Trigonometry – Proof of Tan(x) + Tan(y) Identity


I am trying to prove the identity below to help with the simplification of another function that I'm investigating as it doesn't appear to be a standard trig identity.

\tan\left(x\right) + \tan\left( y \right) = \frac{{\sin\left( {x + y} \right)}}{{\cos\left( x \right)\cos\left( y \right)}}

Any assistance gratefully appreciated.

Best Answer

You are asking about a proof of the identity $$ \tan\left(x\right) + \tan\left( y \right) = \frac{{\sin\left( {x + y} \right)}}{{\cos\left( x \right)\cos\left( y \right)}} $$

Using $\tan(x)=\frac{\sin(x)}{\cos(x)}$, we get $$\tan\left(x\right) + \tan\left( y \right) = \frac{\sin(x)}{\cos(x)} + \frac{\sin(y)}{\cos(y)}\\ =\frac{\sin(x)\cdot \cos(y) + \sin(y)\cdot \cos(x)}{\cos(x)\cdot \cos(y)}$$

Using the identity $\sin(x+y)=\sin(x)\cdot \cos(y) + \sin(y)\cdot \cos(x)$ gives you the answer of your question.

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