[Math] “Tricks” for solving the determinant of a matrix

educationlinear algebra

I've got an exam coming up, and I'm worried that (as I usually tend to do) I will mess up with some minor algebraic calculation in a large problem like finding the determinant of a 4×4 or larger matrix. I'm likely to be asked to use Laplace Expansion, and I'd like to know if there are any other quick and dirty ways I can try to make sure my answer was correct. Considering I'm not alowed to use a calculator, is there some other non-standard method I can use to try to verify a correct solution?

I know how to find the determinant no problem, but I'm very prone to minor mistakes and I don't want to have to spend too much time reading over every problem in fine detail to make sure I didn't omit a negative sign somewhere.

Best Answer

If you have time, you could always do the calculation twice, once with the top row as a starting point and one (say) with the bottom row. For example: $$\begin{vmatrix} a & b & c\\d & e & f\\g & h & i \end{vmatrix}=$$ $$a(ei - fh) -b(di -fg) + c(dh - eg)$$ Or: $$g(bf - ce) - h(af -cd) +i(ae -bd)$$

Of course these give the same result, just with a different order of calculations. If you calculate both by hand and get different results, you know you have an error.

The method suggested bit Git Gud in the comments can also be used, i.e. add scalar multiples of the different rows to each other to get a triangular matrix. A worked example may be found here.

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