[Math] Trick to diagonalize symmetric matrices

eigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebramatrices

I will write an exam on Quantum Mechanics soon. I was wondering whether there is any smart and fast way to determine the eigenvalues/eigenvectors of a symmetric 3×3 matrix other than by calculating the characteristic polynomial?

So I am only intersted in fast techniques that one can use by hand to get those things.

Best Answer

There is no special trick to find the eigenvalues/vectors of your matrix $A$ (instead of you just "see them" or more special cases of $A$) but if you want to diagonalize your matrix you can make benefit of the symmetry of the matrix when finding an transformation matrix $S$ with $\Delta = S A S^{-1} $

If $A$ is symmetric you know, that eigenvectors to different eigenvalues are ortthogonal, so it's most time very easy to find even an orthonormal basis of eigenvalues. The benefit for your calculation then is, that you don't have to find the inverse of your transformation matrix $S$ because it is given by its transposed matrix $S^T$

Now you are able to calculate the diagonal matrix $\Delta$ simply by $\Delta = S^T A S$

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