[Math] Triangulations of n-gon


How many ways are there to triangulate a regular convex n-gon, if two
triangulations are regarded as being the same if they can be made to coincide by a rotation of the polygon?

I found that for a hexagon that there are 14 triangulations but there are triangulations that are just rotations of the others. Thus the number of unique triangulations is 4.

Best Answer

The total number of triangulations of the $n$-gon is $C_{n-2}$, where $C_n:=\frac{1}{n+1}{2n \choose n}$ is the $n$-th Catalan number (http://oeis.org/A000108). If no triangulation was equivalent to a rotation of itself then the number of equivalence classes would be $C_{n-2}/n$. We only need to calculate how much that changes taking symmetry into account. Symmetry clearly adds to this amount because it makes some orbits of triangulations have size less than $n$, thus increasing the number of orbits.

There are only two types of triangulations that are symmetric by rotation:

  • If $n=2k$ is even, then there are triangulations using a diameter and with both halves equal modulo 180 degrees rotation. The number of them is $k C_{k-1}$: there are $k$ choices of the diameter and $C_{k-1}$ choices to triangulate one half, since this half is a $k+1$-gon. In our previous count these triangulations were counted as if they formed $C_{k-1}/2$ orbits, while they actually form $C_{k-1}$, which means we have to add $C_{k-1}/2$.

  • If $n=3l$ is a multiple of three, then there are triangulations using a central equilateral triangle and with the three remaining parts equal modulo 120 degrees rotation. The number of them is $l C_{l-1}$: $l$ choices of the triangle and $C_{l-1}$ choices to triangulate one of the three remaining parts, since this part is an $l+1$-gon. In our previous count these triangulations were counted as if they formed $C_{l-1}/3$, while they actually form $C_{l-1}$, which means we have to add $2C_{l-1}/3$.

With this in mind, we have the following four possibilities for the total number of triangulations of the $n$-gon, modulo rotation:

  • if $n$ is prime with 6, the number is $C_{n-2}/n$. For example, this gives $1$ for the pentagon, $6$ for the heptagon, and $442$ for the $11$-gon.

  • if $n=2k$ is prime with $3$, we get $C_{2k-2}/2k + C_{k-1}/2$. For example, this gives $1$ for the square, $132/8+5/2=19$ for the octagon, and $1430/10 + 14/2 = 150$ for the decagon.

  • if $n=3l$ is prime with $2$, we get $C_{3l-2}/3l + 2C_{l-1}/3$. For example, this gives $1$ for the triangle and $429/9+4/3=49$ for the nonagon.

  • if $n=6m$ is a multiple of six we have to add both contributions, and get $C_{6m-2}/6m + C_{3m-1}/2 + 2C_{2m-1}/3$. For example, this gives $14/6 + 2/2 + 2/3 = 4$ for the hexagon and $16796/12 + 42/2 + 10/3 = 1424$ for the $12$-gon.

Said in a more compact form, the formula is

$$\frac1n C_{n-2} + \frac12 C_{n/2-1} + \frac23 C_{n/3-1},$$ where $C_n$ = Catalan$(n)$ (A000108) and terms are omitted if their subscripts are not integers.

This is http://oeis.org/A001683

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