[Math] Triangular Numbers and Sum of Two Squares

number theorysums-of-squares

"If n is a triangular number, show that each of the three consecutive integers, $8n^2, 8n^2+1, 8n^2+2$ can be written as a sum of two squares."

I have spend hours working on this problem and cannot seem to get anywhere with it. I was advised to start with $8n^2+1$ and work through it just using algebra to express this as a sum of two squares, but I am really struggling. Can anyone help?

Best Answer

It is assumed in the books on this subject that all square $a^2$ is a sum of two squares $a^2+0^2$.

► Note first that for all $n$ one has $$8n^2=(2n)^2+(2n)^2\qquad (1)$$ Now all triangular number $n$ is of the form $$n=\frac{m(m+1)}{2}$$ Hence $$8n^2=\frac{8m^2(m+1)^2}{4}=2(m^2+m)^2$$ It follows the two identities

$$2(m^2+m)^2+1=(m^2-1)^2+(m^2+2m)^2\qquad (2)$$ $$2(m^2+m)^2+2= (m^2+m+1)^2+(m^2+m-1)^2\qquad (3)$$

With $(1),(2),(3)$ we have verified that the statement is true.

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