[Math] Triangle formed by any three tangents of the parabola $y^2=4ax$

analytic geometryconic sectionsgeometrylocustriangles

If a triangle is formed by any three tangents of the parabola $y^2=4ax$, two of whose vertices lie on the parabola $x^2=4by$, then find the locus of the third vertex.

Best Answer

You can easily show that tangents to $y^2=4ax$ at points $t_1$ and $t_2$ intersect at the point $(at_1 t_2, a(t_1 + t_2))$. Now we are given three points $t_1, t_2, t_3$ satisfying the two relations:

$$(at_1 t_2)^2=4ab(t_1 + t_2)$$ $$(at_3 t_2)^2=4ab(t_3 + t_2)$$

And we need to find the locus of the intersection of other two tangents, that is, a relation between $x=at_1 t_3$ and $y=a(t_1 + t_3)$.

Note that, by rearranging the above equations, both $t_1$ and $t_3$ satisfy the quadratic equation $t^2(at_2^2) - 4bt - 4bt_2=0$ (assuming $t_2$ to be constant). Thus we can find $t_1 t_3$ and $t_1 + t_3$ directly from this equation which are the sum and product of roots of the quadratic. Thus:

$$t_1 + t_3 = \frac{4b}{at_2^2}$$ $$t_1t_3 = \frac{4b}{at_2}$$

Now you can substitute $x=at_1 t_3$ and $y=a(t_1 + t_3)$ in the above relations, and straightforward manipulation leaves you with the locus $x^2=4by$.